‘Big Brother Canada 2’ live feed spoilers: The state of the house; top players

The latest -It is late Thursday afternoon, and this means that it is time for our weekly “Big Brother Canada 2” tradition of sharing with you the State of the House, and also ranking our Top Players of the Week. There are some obvious spoilers ahead, and with the feeds down, think of this as more of a wrap-up of most important events to keep you informed for tonight’s eviction show.

Where we stand now – Ika is almost certainly going home, despite a last-ditch attempt earlier for Adel and Ika to convince Neda, Jon, Arlie, and Sarah to join up with them. They could then vote out Heather and form a new allegiance against all of the dominant people in the game. This is almost like an Exterminators 2.0, but with two exceptions:

1. Fewer inappropriate comments (though there have still bee some).

2. Arlie and Sarah are in the First Five, despite what the likes of Adel, Jon, Neda, and Arlie all think.

Neda and Adel do seem to be on the same page that Andrew / Kenny are trouble, and Jon is there with them more now after realizing that Kenny does not fully have his back. Heather will probably go after Rachelle and Sabrina, but could backdoor Andrew or Kenny if she wins Head of Household. We’re predicting a quiz tonight, so it could really be anyone’s game.

The pecking order for the First Five seems to be Jon first and foremost, and then Adel or Allison, depending on who you talk to. Sabrina is very interested in booting Andrew’s showmance from the game.

The top players – We based these rankings mostly on who has either advanced their game the furthest in the past week, or has set themselves up really well for the future.

3. Rachelle – We almost hate putting her on here, given that her HoH reign was incredibly boring and she was merely Sabrina’s puppet. However, the truth is that she made no additional enemies, and nobody’s targeting her. Thanks to her allegiance with Sabrina, she could be the last non-First Five member in the game. That gives her time to make a move later if she can find one. Thanks to everyone knowing that Sabrina is the puppetmaster, she is the one who has taken heat for this HoH rather than Rachelle.

2. Arlie – We still feel like Arlie is in a very good spot in the game, though him coming close to committing to two alliances is going to be a problem for him at some point down the road. He can easily still get through tonight unscathed, though, by just saying that he couldn’t upset the apple cart in voting out Heather when he wasn’t sure about other votes.

1. Sarah -She may cry a lot and have the occasional fight, but you cannot deny how great of a place she’s in. She has avoided trouble following the whole “voting out Paul” incident really well, and she and Arlie are the tiniest targets in the First Five. She’s also decent at competitions, and is doing a good job of not intentionally making enemies. The only thing that she needs to watch out for right now is having an elevated sense of morality.

You can as always check out the remainder of our “Big Brother Canada” updates just by visiting the link here; or, sign up for our CarterMatt Newsletter to get more coming your way via email.

Photo: Slice

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