‘Big Brother Canada 2’ live feed spoilers: Ika and Adel’s late-night chat

Adel -Big Brother Canada 2” fans, allow us to introduce you to the “Adel curse.” The way that it goes here should be pretty darn familiar to just about everyone right now: If you align with him, you go home for whatever reason. first it happened to Kyle, then it happened to Paul, and now, Ika is getting ready to leave the game. It’s strange that he has been able to escape it so far.

Ika was basically informed at the end of last night that she will be the replacement nominee, mostly because Rachelle feels like with her gone, she can buy herself another three weeks of life in the game. Maybe she is thinking with this that the likes of Heather, Adel, and Neda will all be taken out before her.

Adel’s plan is something a little more particular now. If he wins Head of Household, he wants to put up Kenny and Allison, mostly because if Andrew wins the Power of Veto, he wants to find a way to make him choose between one of his two favorite people. He’s right at least to think that Kenny is the head of the snake, and that a lot of structure on that side of the house will completely fall apart if he is not there.

This morning, all that has really happened this morning is various gossip. Neda and Ika have chatted about strategy and how Adel is not using his “power” (which does not even really exist) on his alliance partner; meanwhile, Rachelle and Sabrina are gossiping about Allison, and how the guys all really like her because of the amount of time she spends with most of them.

Hopefully, there’ll be some more action later today when the Veto Ceremony is held, and Ika really starts to figure out if there is a way she can save herself from going home. You can view more eventual updates about it here, which is where you can see all of our other recent stories related to “Big Brother Canada.” If you want to grab some more great stuff via email, then sign up today for our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: Slice

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