‘Big Brother Canada 2’ live feed spoilers: Arlie, Marsha the Moose, and Emmett in South Africa

Arlie -

Do we have our first real Marsha the Moose task of the “Big Brother Canada” season? It’s not confirmed just yet, but based on the information that we have so far, it definitely seems to be the case.

Basically, the evidence for this is strong: Arlie entered a room, the feeds cut, and then not long after that, he started wandering around the house acting very mopey, and trying to make the other players cheer him up / be there for them … even though he started off the conversation with an insult. For example, he told Rachelle (still hilariously dressed like a Hot Dog after the Power of Veto Competition) that he feels like she doesn’t care about him at all and that she can be a “b***h” sometimes. He also was vulnerable to Ika, but saved the most devastating one for Kenny, when he told him that there are times that he acts like he’s too good for him.

After hearing this, Kenny literally broke down in tears and started apologizing profusely, and it’s slightly amazing that no one caught on to the sudden mood swing. Then again, they have been given no promise that Marsha would be a part of this season at all, and she has not shown up in the house to date.

Hopefully, we’ll find out if Arlie won a reward for the house soon.

As for some other interesting news related to other editions of the franchise, Emmett from season 1 has entered the house for the South African version of the show! You can see a video of him here, where he enters under the guise of being a “distraction’ during a similar sort of freeze game that is played in Canada at times. He will be there for a week, and his mission is mostly to cause chaos in the house. We don’t keep up with the South African version of the show, but this should be fun.

Want to read some more updates from the live feed? Then be sure to click here, which is where you can also read our reviews of all of the other episodes, and the eliminated houseguest interviews. You can also sign up now for our CarterMatt Newsletter if you want to get some of our updates on all the shows we cover sent right to you.

Photo: Slice

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