‘Big Brother Canada 2’ live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results, Allison madness

Big Brother -The Veto Ceremony was held early Monday in the “Big Brother Canada 2” house, and the results are … boring. For all of her talk about being this great personality and player, Ika basically came across as very cowardly during her turn as Head of Household.

Despite more conversation about whether or not she was going to make a big move and put Kenny on the block, Ika decided instead that she was going to just leave the nominations the same, and therefore force the house to choose between sending home Heather or Paul. The only part of this that is interesting is that there could be an actual debate between who to get rid of. Andrew clearly wants Paul out, but most of the women have some sort of irrational hatred of Heather, who really hasn’t done much of anything to them at all in the game.

The only interesting thing that will come from this week is that it could force the hands of Sabrina and Sarah if the other members of the First Five want to ensure that Paul leaves, while the Women’s Alliance wants to send Heather home. We know that this is what Ika, Rachelle, and Neda all seemingly want for some silly reason, while Paul continues to play his part as the house’s favorite pawn.

In other news…

1. Many of the houseguests have dressed up for St. Patrick’s Day in their finest green.

2. Sabrina continues to completely make things up about Allison, Andrew, and her relationship with the two of them. Sooner or later, some of this has to come back to haunt her, right? People talk in this game!

3. There is plenty of Allison-bashing going on in general.

4. There is no announcement yet as the Buzzworthy winner … or so it seems. It’s possible that the winner found out in the Diary Room, and the results are being kept a secret from everyone else.

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Photo: Slice

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