‘Big Brother Canada 2’ live feed spoilers: Ika’s nominations; the first showmance

Ika -Let us start off this “Big Brother Canada 2” story with the news that everyone was expecting to get today: The new nominees for eviction. Ika made her selections after flip-flopping a few times, and both Heather and Paul are now on the block with a chance to leave the game on Thursday night.

At the time that these nominations were made, it felt pretty clear that Paul was going to be the one saying goodbye to the house. No one particularly cares for him much, and he has already thrown his own ally in Adel under the bus. If he is willing to that with his friends, can anyone really trust him? He is the safe choice to leave, so if anyone is feeling like no move is better than any other move, he will be outside of the house after the next eviction show.

With all of this being said, there is still talk about maybe changing things around and getting rid of Heather. Why do that? The easy answer to it is that the devil you know is sometimes much better than the devil you don’t. Rather than sending home someone who everyone hates, you can sent packing someone who is at least not trying to play as obnoxious of a guy. We still feel like it’ll be Paul, though, and mostly because of the fact that most of the house seems to be just as aware about the lack skill Heather has within the game.

As for some other highlights of this afternoon, we have our first real showmance! Andrew and Allison decided for whatever reason to make out in the house this afternoon, which is a very interesting move for the two of them to make. Allison has quickly seen her game fall apart since coming in looking like a serious player, and she could also be the big thing that drives a wedge into the First Five alliance. Sabrina, Kenny, or Sarah could target her, and that in turn could make Andrew angry and interested in deflecting. (Allison does not really seem to be taking this showmance that seriously.)

We will have some more from the “Big Brother Canada 2” house soon, so be on the lookout for more of that at the link here.. Also, sign up now for our CarterMatt Newsletter if you want to get more updates sent right to your email.

Photo: Slice

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