‘Big Brother Canada 2’ houseguest spotlight: Does Paul Jackson have the motivation?

Paul -We’re back now spotlighting some of the individual “Big Brother Canada 2” contestants, and the focus this time is on the oldest player in the house. At 43, Paul Jackson is the senior resident of the house, and a guy who claims that he is going to try and use some of his social skills to stay alive in a world where he will not be able to relate to everyone else.

We’re not going to bury the lead here, though, when we say that Paul is not going to be the older contestant who makes it far in the game. He’s much more like Suzette than Jerry from season 10 of the U.S. version.

Name – Paul Jackson

Age – 43

Location – Toronto, Ontario (but is originally from Cape Town, South Africa)

Occupation – Consultant / motivational speaker (why does this guy in particular motivate anyone?)

Three adjectives that we would us to describe him – Sociable, opinionated, and encouraging

Strengths – As someone who is coming into the game at this point in his life, he already has a lot of life experience that will probably help him to not be all caught up in every little stress that the game throws at him. He’s also likely to not do anything that is so horrendous that he will become public enemy #1. He understands that he will probably not win very many Head of Household Competitions, so he needs to find some other ways to stay alive in this game.

Weaknesses – He could see it being very quickly that Paul annoys the vast majority of the people in the house with him. If he tries to “motivate” everyone, it would not take a whole lot of effort for that to be suddenly interpreted as him trying to annoy the majority of the other players. He’s going to struggle to find common ground, and even his snoring makes him a liability when it comes to a comfort perspective.

“Big Brother” comparison – We would actually compare him mostly to either Chef Joe or Andrew from last season, mostly because they both had very similar strategies to just go with the flow rather than be someone who goes in and tries to stir things up. While he is in a similar position in this game to Suzette, we don’t really imagine him being the same sort of character.

Outlook – We’re not feeling very good at all about Paul’s odds in the game. He’s an easy first vote out of the house, and we’d be stunned if he makes it to the jury. If he really does snore, then we figure most of the other players are going to try to kick him out before then, claiming that they don’t want him to be separated from his kids.

What is your take on Paul as a “Big Brother Canada” player? Share your thoughts below, and visit the link here if you want to read some more of our houseguest spotlights. Also, be sure to sign up now to get more news via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: Slice



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