‘Big Brother Canada 2’ houseguest spotlight: Is Jon Pardy the brains of the operation?
Given that we’re pretty sure Jon Pardy is the Canadian Mark Zuckerberg based on the photo that we’ve attached here, let’s hope that he can live up to the expectations that we now have for him to be a strategic mastermind on “Big Brother Canada” season 2.
The funny thing about this show is that sometimes, it is easy to tell almost within reading a paragraph or two of someone’s bio as to whether or not they have a chance to win, and we felt good about this guy almost right away. He’s smart, savvy, but also recognizes the value of the social game. One other great thing about him? As you’re going to find out about in the full spotlight below, he doesn’t have too many glaring weaknesses.
Name – Jon Pardy
Age – 23
Occupation – Student
Location – Clarenville, Newfoundland. Jon’s coming a long ways for this competition, given that this is a small town located on the east coast of the province. While he is not the first person from the province to appear on the show (see Andrew from last season), he is the first person from there who is actually still living there.
Three adjectives we would use to describe him – Relaxed, fun-loving, and insightful.
Strengths – Jon is a very friendly guy, and he understands how to make himself comfortable in any situation. He’s also not someone to get easily stressed out, and he’s going into this game with an idea of what he wants to see happen. Basically, he wants to play the Peter game in that he aligns with a stronger male, and hopefully this male also finds a showmance partner to go along with that.
Weaknesses – The only thing that we see Jon getting in trouble for would be if he gets himself in danger with a showmance or a woman manipulating him. He’s not really going to be in bad shape anywhere else, since it will be hard to target him during the early part of the game.
“Big Brother” comparison – The Dan comparison that Jon makes isn’t that far off, though we don’t see him as that intense. We almost want to combine Dan, Judd from last season, Ian Terry, and Tyson Apostol from “Survivor” into one person. He’s got a lot of qualities of people who have done very well on reality TV.
Outlook – We feel really good about Jon’s odds in the game. He is a fan of the show, but not so big of a fan that he is going to freak out about everything and become a target. Also, he’s strong without looking too strong, and confident without being cocky. More than anything, he recognizes that this is about fun, and he won’t get stressed out by the little things. We’ll announce our full predictions the day of the premiere, but Jon right now is pretty high up on the list of contenders.
What’s your take of Jon as a player? Share your thoughts below, hit up this link to see the rest of our spotlights, and visit the link here to sign up now for our CarterMatt Newsletter to get further updates from us.
Photo: Slice
mike james
March 3, 2014 @ 11:13 pm
this is already smelling set up….not good bb.
March 3, 2014 @ 3:27 pm
He is from Milton but will be a gret contender for sure he is a great person can’t wait to watch him on tv, go John !!
Geraldine Patey
March 3, 2014 @ 1:01 pm
If he’s from anywhere in Newfoundland,he has a good chance to win!!! Good Luck Jon….
March 3, 2014 @ 3:40 am
He’s from Milton – not Clarenville.