‘Big Brother Canada 2’ houseguest spotlight: Adel Elseri

Adel -It’s that time of year again: “Big Brother Canada” season! This is the time when it comes to getting to know many of the houseguests, and then also watching them all dive in and play the game together for the first time. There is still that “mystery houseguest” out there, and that’s someone we will talk about in due time.

But first, we want to begin our annual Houseguest Spotlight series with the guy who happens to fall first in the alphabet (which is really the only distinction that you need in order to go first on here): Adel Elseri. He’s a guy who definitely has nice taste in suit jackets, but that’s not going to help in the game; as a matter of fact, this could be one of those contestants who likes the idea of “Big Brother,” but really doesn’t know what the game actually is.

Name – Adel Elseri

Age – 27

Location – Edmonton, Alberta

Occupation – Welder / inventor

Three adjectives we would use to describe him – Imposing, arrogant, and prideful.

Strengths – He’s a guy who prides himself on being aggressive, which we take to mean that he will work hard to control the game and never be a passenger on the journey. He’s also fit enough to do well in physical challenges, and enough of a people person to not alienate himself. When it comes to his religion, we actually see that in some ways as a strength during the early portion of the game; it’s an ice-breaker, and so long as you don’t make it into an inconvenience for others, having interesting conversation is a hot commodity in the house.

Weaknesses – He seems to think that he is a gift to all humankind, that he is incredibly charming, and that he also picked Tom from last season as his “Big Brother” idol. No judgment on Tom as a person, since he was nice during our interview with him; but as a player, not who we’d look up to.

“Big Brother” comparisons – We’d say that right now, there is a little bit of Tom in him in that he is going to go in there and be super-aggressive. We also do get maybe a little bit of Jeff Schroeder from him in that he is somewhat salt-of-the-earth, and his strong religious ties (he prays five times a day) reminds us of the original Andrew Gordon … not the one on this cast. He also prayed multiple times a day, and it was his other habits that grated on the cast and caused him to be sent home.

Early outlook – We’ll save predictions for our final article of the season, but we don’t think it’s looking good for Adel. He’s a guy who is going to probably go in there a little too sure of himself, and thinking that he can play this sort of aggressive game that he can still keep his integrity playing. That’s going to be tough. His ceiling is Big Jeff, where he makes it pretty far and goes home at around final six or so. On the flip side, it wouldn’t shock us if he was out of the house by week three.

What’s your take on Adel? Vote in our below below, and click here to see some other “Big Brother Canada” news. We’ll have the rest of our spotlights there in the coming days.

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Photo: Slice



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