‘Supernatural’ season 9: Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins celebrate season 10 renewal

Check it out -If you are a “Supernatural” fan, isn’t today a good time to commence rejoicing? The news has come out now via The CW that the show has been renewed for a landmark tenth season, and that is an enormous reason to celebrate. There are not many shows that manage to make it that long, especially on a network that tends to attract younger viewers. The fact that “Supernatural” does it with ratings gains the past few years is even more impressive.

So what do some of the show’s cast members have to say about it? We’ve got Twitter reactions below, and they are of course more than thrilled to keep doing what looks to be a pretty fun job (even if the schedule can be very demanding).

Jared Padalecki – “It’s official! Supernatural will be back for Season 10! Y’all did it! WOOHOO!!!#Supernatural #CWpickups … And, theres already a season 10 storyline: Sam and Dean check into a retirement home, and NOT because it’s haunted! #toooldforthis!”

Jim Michaels (co-executive producer) – “Season 10 is Zen for #supernatural! Thanks #SPNFamily #cw #spn and yes, it all official!”

Misha Collins – “#supernatural is officially picked up for season 10! Underwear model’s will hunt again! Ghosts, demons, angels & pie be forewarned.”

Misha is referring the the fact that he was recently pied in the face (twice) while serving as director for an upcoming episode.

If you are wondering what Jensen Ackles is doing to celebrate … well, we picture him doing some fist-pumps somewhere. Jensen, as so many “Supernatural” fans know very well, is not on social media. It also doesn’t seem like something that Dean would be into, either.

Are you just as glad to see “Supernatural” coming back, and is there anything in particular you are hoping to see? Share some of your thoughts below! Also, visit the link here if you are interested in getting some more updates related to the show and what is coming up.

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Photo: The CW

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