‘Supernatural’ season 9 spoilers: A very ‘meta’ episode title

What's coming up? -There are few shows out there that inspire debate over episode titles like “Supernatural” does. Then again, there are also very few other shows out there that create episode titles that are as cool as the ones here. There is typically a great deal of thought put into these, and even though they can change in between their first reveal and when the episode actually airs, they are always great conversation points.

With that in mind, let’s go ahead and jump into the title for the 18th episode of the season (which will probably air in late March or April): “Meta Fiction.” This title, first posted by SpoilerTV, is a very interesting one that brings a few possibilities to mind of what this could mean:

1. Metatron – Given that the first four letters here are the same of the title and the character’s name, it is easy to make that leap. Personally, we’re all for it in that we love Curtis Armstrong, and he has an integral role right now in the story. As we near the end of season 9, we do expect to see him more and more.

2. A “meta” episode – There have been a small handful of these breaking-down-the-fourth-wall episodes over the course of “Supernatural’s” run, and the fan reaction to “Changing Channels” and “The French Mistake” was mostly mixed. Personally, we really liked them, and we always like it when shows take big risks. Even though there are some risks that have bombed with this show (that found-footage episode from season 8 or the voice actors in “Dog Dean Afternoon”), we appreciate that the risks were taken rather than safe storylines that you can see anywhere else.

What do you think about it? Let us know, and visit the link here if you want to take a look at what is coming up on the next new episode of the show. You can also fire over here to score some weekly CarterMatt TV updates sent straight to your email.

Photo: The CW

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