‘American Horror Story: Coven’ finale spoilers: One ominous photo

Coven -On Wednesday night, “American Horror Story: Coven” is set to wrap up its run with an episode that is going to answer many important questions … with “who is the Supreme?” being at the top of the list.

During this past episode, the great thing to come from it was that it started to feel like in between Cordelia and Queenie, some of the stories started to make a little bit sense after a season-long trip to Crazy Town. With that being said, though, there is still the brand new image above of Zoe, Queenie, and Delia all with dark umbrellas out in the sunlight. Are they performing the test of the seven wonders to see who the next supreme is?

There is going to be a lot to look forward to in this episodes if you think along the lines of deaths, twists, surprises, and maybe even a few suggestions as to what season 4 could be focusing on. While we know that there are already some plans in place, the rumors out there right now suggest that we are looking at a little more of a period piece next time around, but something that will feature the majority of the same cast. It will also mark the last time that Jessica Lange stars on the show (at least that’s what she’s saying for now), and while she is not necessarily going to be the lead, there will be a rather hefty part for her to take on. (Murphy has always ensured that she will have an opportunity to do some great things.)

What do you think is going to happen in the finale? Do you think that Zoe is the next supreme or that they won’t be that obvious? Share your thoughts and predictions below! Also, click here to watch a very-creepy preview for the next new episode; or, sign up now if you want to get these updates via email.

Photo: FX

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