‘NCIS’ season 11 spoilers: More scoop on Michael Weatherly’s Tony, mystery character
Given that “NCIS” is only a matter of a few days away from returning to the air Tuesday night, why not revel in some of the latest news about it?
When it comes to Tony, it’s pretty clear that the man has been through a lot this year. He’s lost Ziva, and while they did have that moment together in “Past, Present, and Future,” it was certainly not what he wanted or not enough to make him happy. (We’ve already heard that most of the fans have felt the same way.) Since that time, he has worked to try to find his inner zen and happiness again, and has at least briefly referenced trying to push his mind forward and into dating.
Well, it seems like he may now have a new woman in his life … but with someone already dating his dad, of all people. Speaking to TV Guide, showrunner Gary Glasberg confirms that when Robert Wagner returns as the elder DiNozzo in the upcoming 250th episode, he will be bringing with him a woman that Tony could take an interest in, but not in a typical manner:
“This woman could potentially be Tony’s new stepmom, and a big part of the story is her age and the awkwardness that brings to Tony. Prior to meeting her, Tony tries to find out as much as he can about who she is.”
On a different note, Benham Parsa will be back very soon for the start of a three-episode arc, and will inflict some sort of damage on a major character. While Glasberg did not name names, but he did tease to the publication that whatever happens here will have significant and pretty long-lasting consequences:
“This event will impact this person for his or her future and prove devastating to the team for the remainder of our season.”
Sound cryptic enough for you? Well, give us your theories as to who it could be below!
January 7, 2014 @ 8:34 pm
Can the Writer’s of NCIS please give DiNozzo some decent story arcs and lines – not ones where he is the butt of everyone’s private joke, or propping up a female character when they have run out of people for her to assassinate with the Director’s permission. Yes Tony DiNozzo is funny – but in earlier seasons he had a fun, funny relationship with both Gibbs and McGee, Kate and Ziva. That was before Ziva declared him ‘dead weight’, a liar, a murderer and generally turned the whole world against him. As for the constant rehashing of Senior visiting. Please kill him off on his next visit – they are perfectly cast for each other as father and son – but if my father kept coming to my work and talking to me like I had been trampled in on his shoe, I’d have kicked his ass by now – he certainly wouldn’t be stepping foot near my office again. Don’t they have a secure building? Surely they don’t have to let him in? Gibbs, please go back to being friends with Tony & Tim – it was great when they had banter, cook outs and nights in the basement – all this hostility makes for uncomfortable watching and decline in viewers – as I’m sure you’ve already worked out. Ducky & Jimmy are awesome, Abby seems a bit ‘off’ recently but primarily since Ziva went – does she blame Tony too? I really like Bishop, she’s married so there’s no romantic intent, or suggestion between her and any of the men she works with. I think ‘Junior’ liking Senior’s woman is an awful plan frankly, Days of Our Lives did that one 20 years ago! I agree with several of the other reviewers here in that I’ve read better fanfiction than some of the storylines and scripts that you’re peddling recently. Please do better NCIS – we expect more of USA’s No 1 Show….
January 6, 2014 @ 12:48 am
I think this is the moment NCIS “jumps the goldfish”.
January 4, 2014 @ 3:37 pm
While I for one am glad that we no longer have the “fun” of Ziva one upping, insulting, and snarking at Tony on a weekly basis, and would love for Tony to have a real romantic interest (you know, someone who treats him like she actually cares about him), the love triangle with Senior just sounds gross. It sounds like the usual agenda for a Senior episode where Tony is written as “comically” uncomfortable while the team looks on smirking. Yuck. Meanwhile, some other character, Gibbs or McGee probably, is going to get a meaty multi episode arc. Been there, done that with Gibbs, and although I like McGee alright, I don’t want a half a season of mopey poor little Timmy writing. I was so hoping that once Ziva was gone and they didn’t use Tony exclusively for propping her character up, that he would get some decent and thoughtful writing, but I guess since that hasn’t happened since Don P. Bellasario left, I guess it never will.
January 4, 2014 @ 6:00 am
Where does it say love interest for Tony or love triangle, it’s says takes an interest but not in a typical manner. Since Tony typical manner is dating women maybe he is curious as to why she is with Senior with the age difference being one of Tony’s problems with the relationship.
Not that i would have a problem with Tony dating he is a single man and the last chick he fell in love with left him, just like Wendy and EJ did, so why would he wait for Ziva , she’s gone her choice
Tonyfan Ncis
January 4, 2014 @ 5:23 am
Tony and his father liking the same woman? Ew. Is that the best the writers can do? Are these pod people? Are these the same writers that wrote Shiva, Housekeeping, Gone, Canary, Baltimore, and many others in the archives of ncis? If it’s Gary Glasbergs doing, then he needs a refresher course in screenwriting and just plain fiction in general. I have read fanfiction from 18 year olds that is more believable, better written, and more in character than a lot of what has come out of ncis this year! not only is it a sorry device to bring Tonys father back into the story, but it is laughable that Tony would be ready and willing to start dating again when Ziva is only in Israel. And, when we said we wanted to hear Ziva mentioned? We did not mean as a goldfish!!!
January 4, 2014 @ 4:11 am
A love triangle with Tony and his Dad is gross. The show is flat without Ziva. What about the fact that Ziva was one of Parsa’s targets? How are they going to get around that without mentioning her name? (Oh I forgot, Ziva is still on the show as a fish, silly me) The fans do not forget and TPTB keep pushing these lame story lines on us in the hopes that we will be pacified. It has not worked yet and I don’t think it will ever work.
January 4, 2014 @ 3:55 am
Really am not feeling the potential love triangle with Tony and his dad. Sounds like it’s right out of a soap opera. As for Parsa, they should have picked up the storyline back in November and I hope they remember that Ziva was one of Parsa’s targets. I shudder to think who will be affected by this majorly. We’ve seen this kind of scenario several times.