‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ preview: Porsha Stewart learns about the Underground Railroad

While there may not be too much in the way of new programming happening this weekend, fans of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” can still expect something juicy to sink their teeth into: A trip with the ladies to the city of Savannah, Georgia. It’s pretty interesting that the show did decide to send the ladies on a trip here of all places, mostly because it’s not exactly like it’s some far-off place from where they typically are. (However, the end of the video below does make it clear that there is some sort of collaboration here between the show and Georgia tourism.)

What is going to be just as intriguing as the trip itself is finding out what happens there. As the official synopsis below teases, there is going to be a little bit of everything, including drama between a new “friend of the Housewives” and the current cast members along with talk of ghosts:

“After a rocky start, the ladies finally get on the road to their rumored haunted mansion in Savannah. Early tensions spark between NeNe’s friend, Mynique, and Phaedra. After a day of sightseeing in historical Savannah, the ladies gather for cocktails only to learn the truly juicy history actually lies between Mynique’s husband Chuck and a couple of the ladies.”

Now, we turn to the part of this preview video that will probably get most people talking: Porsha Stewart thinking that the Underground Railroad is an actual railroad. While there is definitely a part of us that wants to sit here and mercilessly laugh at her about this, it’s really more an indictment on her education and the people in her life not educating her on what this was, especially when it is such an integral part of the region’s history. We suppose that if you just heard the words “Underground Railroad” without any sort of context, you would think that there was an actual train.

What do you hope to see on “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” this week? Share some of your thoughts below.

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