MTV’s ‘Awkward’ season 3 finale spoilers: Talking Jenna and Matty’s prom future

The latest -As season 3 of “Awkward” comes to a close on Tuesday night, it has been an interesting to see just how much things have changed for Jenna Hamilton; but then again, if you take a step back you may realize that there are a good many things that have also stayed the same. Jenna is still trying to figure out if she can be with Matty, with the only difference being that the two are not in a relationship at the moment. Yet, she probably cares for him more now than she ever did before.

Could you describe this as a perfect “you don’t know what you got ’til its gone” situation? There may not be any better description for it. Jenna is in love with Matty once again, and the twist here is that almost everyone knows it. While she hasn’t really opened her heart up to anyone just yet, it still remains a pretty obvious thing that most other people have picked up on in some other shape or form.

But there is still another story even away from Jenna that the promo below teases is just as interesting to watch: Sadie actually start to realize that she does have feelings for someone. That’s something that she has rarely ever experienced since the beginning of the show on a real level, and it’s hilarious. While Sadie may keep that same sort of awful exterior, it is fun to see more and more layers added to the person that she is on the inside.

What do you want to see happen on the “Awkward” finale tomorrow night? Share some of your thoughts and predictions on it below! Meanwhile, be sure to also click here, where you can read some more scoop related to the show. That is where we are also going to have our full review of this episode posted not long after it airs.

Photo: MTV

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