Slow Horses season 4 star on possible Louisa, River romance

Slow Horses season 4
Photo: Apple TV+

Is there a chance that any sort of Louisa – River relationship is going to happen on Slow Horses season 4? In the premiere, there was a particularly awkward moment as Louisa thought that her fellow Slough House member was asking her out when in reality, he was simply trying to open up about his grandfather and what they were going through.

Now, we will say that we understand the reason for ‘shipping — these are great characters and on a show like this, it is easy to root for characters who have a fantastic rapport and great chemistry. However, this is your reminder that chemistry does not have to be romantic, and there would be a legitimate concern that the series was repeating itself here given that we saw something similar not that long ago when it came to Louisa and Min.

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Speaking to Hello! in a new interview, actress Rosalind Eleazar (who plays Louisa) made it clear that for her personally, she does not see a romance in the cards:

“It’s a tricky one … I think that they care for each other. They care for each other deeply and obviously after Louisa loses Min, she has a new partner, River. What’s so great about the show is that you keep on seeing different dynamics between different duos. There are quite a lot of overlaps in River and Louisa’s personalities, which can sometimes look like they are suited for one another romantically.”

“Jack [Lowden, who plays River] and I have spoken a lot about what the future of River and Louisa looks like and we oscillate a lot with what we think is the right way. Not that it’s solely up to us … I think that it’s somewhat more platonic. I think there’s a brotherly sisterly vibe to them, but who knows what’s gonna happen?”

At this point in the story, it is really quite clear that these characters do have some other priorities on their mind. Take, for starters, the simple fact that River is off in France chasing a lead regarding Adam Lockhead, a man who attempted seemingly to kill his grandfather. He faked his own death in the process, but to what end? Hopefully, a few more details are made clear on this sooner rather than later.

Related Be sure to get some more info regarding the next Slow Horses

What do you want to see when it comes to River and Louisa on Slow Horses season 4?

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