The Bachelorette episode 4: Jenn sends Sam N. home

The Bachelorette Jenn Tran
Photo: ABC

We knew that at some point, Jenn Tran was going to have to send home someone on The Bachelorette who was a bigger personality. Tonight, that happened with Sam N., who may not have really understood what he was doing for a big part of the season.

Over the course of the season, we think that Sam is proof positive that sometimes, it’s hard to be on this show while you’re also trying to figure some stuff out about yourself. Sam’s still really early into the dating world and really just didn’t know what to say or how to act. He tried to force chemistry when it wasn’t there, and he also declared his feelings a times when it was far too early. He tried to be really confident, especially when it came to that leather-jacket look at the end of the episode. However, how much of it was really performative? It might have been, but we also think that he may have legitimately felt how he did in the moment!

If there was an Achilles’ heel for Sam, it was just wearing his heart too much on his sleeve and not letting things come about organically. That is why Jenn decided to send him packing.

Here’s the interesting thing about his as a person — drama aside, we actually don’t think he may be that bad a guy, especially compared to a lot of the guys we’ve seen over the years. He just was too inexperienced for this process and tried to gas himself up. He also may have overcompensated somewhat after being targeted by a lot of the other men for a wide array of reasons. This is a hard environment to be a part of sometimes.

Should Sam have gone on this show? Probably not, since he clearly was not ready … but who knows? Maybe something will happen for him in Paradise.

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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