Sugar season 1 finale: What happened to Sugar’s sister Djen?

Sugar season 1
Photo: Apple TV+

The Sugar season 1 finale had a lot of loose ends to tie up, but it also certainly left one story open to explore in a possible season 2. With that, let’s shift the focus over to Djen, John Sugar’s sister who was referenced throughout the events of season 1.

What we saw over the course of the story this spring was how much of John’s past was influenced by what happened to his sister, and that was echoed further in the powerful scene with him and Melanie. He showed her his true eyes, a clear indication that he was not exactly human. Also, his sister is one of the reasons why he wanted to help find other people who are missing.

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Yet, is Djen really missing at all? Through a lot of the revelations that were out there about Henry in the finale (in particular a certain article of clothing), it is heavily implied that he may know where she is. Is she already on Earth, or has she been captured or held up somewhere? This storyline could be what drives Sugar more moving forward, as we learned more about Henry and how he watched as terrible things happened to Olivia. The aliens are there to observe, but did they really have to observe some of the more terrible parts of humanity? That’s something that we are left to wonder about for now.

In the end, though, kudos to the entire creative team for handling this finale the right way. In addition to tying some things up in season 1, they also still carved out enough space for an exciting future chapter — this is clearly not meant to be a limited series and now, there is space to lean more into the sci-fi.

However, at the same time don’t expect Sugar to ever deviate too far from its noir roots. There is a lot to love about the show as it is.

Related Is there going to be a Sugar season 2 at Apple TV+?

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