‘The Flash’ season 3 spoilers: Robbie Amell open to Ronnie Raymond return in some form

FlashThe third season of “The Flash” is airing its big crossover episode tomorrow, and we’re going to have a lot of time to discuss that and all of the awesome stuff that goes along with it.

For the sake of this article, however, what we want to discuss a little bit further is whether or not we’re going to have an opportunity to see more of another notable character, one who doubled as a superhero in the original Firestorm, back on the show at some point in Ronnie Raymond. He was a villain on Earth-2 when he was alive there, and he also died on Earth-1 back at the end of the first season in order to further save the world from collapsing upon itself.

Speaking (per ComicBook.com) while at the Heroes & Villains Fan Fest in Atlanta recently, Robbie Amell did make it very clear that he’d be open to coming back someday — even if it feels like it’d have to be a different character than the ones he’s played before:

“Well the nice thing is when you’re dead in that universe there is always another Earth, but I think that version [Earth-1] of Ronnie is dead because he sacrificed himself to save the city, but you know there is always Earth-3, Earth-4, Earth-5…”

Who knows? Maybe Earth-3 Ronnie is a friend of Jay Garrick’s, or H.R. knows a version of Ronnie back on his own world. While there are unlimited possibilities for us to be able to see this character, at the same exact time we’d love to see a future iteration of him linked somehow with another character.

We also presume that there is a past version of Ronnie that could be brought into the picture due to Barry Allen or the Legends of Tomorrow, but these people should at this point by very aware that the juice isn’t quite worth the squeeze when it comes to messing around to the timeline.

Want some additional news on the crossover, including Supergirl’s first meeting with the entire crew? Then all you have to do is head over to the link here right now! (Photo: The CW.)

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