‘Supergirl’ video: Melissa Benoist details ‘Arrow’ – ‘The Flash’ crossover filming

Supergirl -

Tonight on The CW, the excitement really begins courtesy of the “Supergirl” winter finale. This is the foundation for one of the most epic crossover events we’ve ever seen done on television, given that we are traveling across four different shows with one largely-cohesive story — though to be fair, “Supergirl” itself isn’t that involved with the rest of the arc. You’re just going to get a little piece of it courtesy of Barry Allen turning up.

The video below is all about the crossover itself more so than one episode in particular, and it features Melissa Benoist detailing precisely what went into doing the crossover and the weird feeling that came out of everyone getting to be in the same room together working in costume. She says that one thing in particular that she was excited about was getting to “fly” in front of everyone, we get a chance to see a few of the goofs in here.

What’s ultimately really fun about this video to us is that Benoist really does seem as though she had a good time filming the crossover and she is more than excited for everyone to see it. Anytime that you can get this level of enthusiasm from someone in the cast about your project, odds are that you are probably doing a great thing given that there are only so many episodes in a season that probably are going to stand out by the time you make it to the end of the season. Hopefully, this is one she will remember for a rather long time.

If you’ve somehow missed out on most of the finer details, you’re going to get a chance to see Barry come over to National City with Cisco Ramon from “The Flash” in order to ask for help. An alien race known as the Dominators has come to Earth looking to destroy it and cultivate its resources to save its own species. Who better to fight aliens than a particularly benevolent alien?

Remember, there’s another trailer for the crossover that you can check out now over at the link here. (Photo: The CW.)


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