‘The Amazing Race 28’ episode 6 preview: A trying leg in Armenia

Race -We know that the wait for new episodes of “The Amazing Race” has certainly been a long one as of late, and there are many different reasons for that … with the primary one of course being that the show simply has had to be off the air due to the NCAA Tournament.

Luckily, there is a new episode coming your way on CBS Friday, and it’s going to be a cool one for a couple of different reasons. For one, the teams are heading to Armenia for the first time! The promo below dubs this as the “gateway to the ancient world,” and it is definitely a part of the world that the show often does not visit. After all, this country shares a small border with Iran, and in turn is relatively close to Iraq. These are places we definitely don’t see appearing on the show at any point in the near future.

As for the tasks for this leg, there’s apparently going to be one that involves climbing an extreme amount of stairs, which is going to exhaust quite a few times as they try their best to figure out how to properly handle this. From here, it also looks like there’s something mechanical that could cause Sheri of Sheri & Cole to break down.

Ultimately, be prepared for a physically taxing episode, and one that could challenge all of the remaining teams in interesting ways. We’ll have more all about it once we roll around to Thursday.

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