Big Brother Canada 6 interview: Jesse Larson on eviction, Hamza, and more
In this Big Brother Canada 6 exit interview Jesse Larson talks about his game, about Hamza, and who he feels the most betrayed by.
In this Big Brother Canada 6 exit interview Jesse Larson talks about his game, about Hamza, and who he feels the most betrayed by.
Who was the week 4 Head of Household within the Big Brother Canada 6 house? We’re certainly happy to share some more news on that subject right now.
Who was the third person evicted from the Big Brother Canada 6 house? We’ve got a little more conversation on that now.
It’s the morning of the third Big Brother Canada 6 eviction and with that, it feels like most everything is set in stone — including the fact that Hamza is almost begging for someone to put him on the block.
What is the Five’s Company alliance? This was a pact that was formed in the Big Brother Canada 6 house moving forward that could completely alter the game moving forward.
Tonight’s Big Brother Canada 6 episode 7 features an epic Veto speech by Jesse and a few other odds and ends.
There are so many people who go into the Big Brother Canada house making big proclamations that they can never live up to, with one of the biggest ones being Ryan claiming that he wants to be thought of as one of the greatest players in the history of the show.
Let’s begin this Big Brother Canada 6 evening update with a quick tally as to where the vote is going at the moment: Jesse’s in trouble. That’s the best way of putting it.
Over the night there was a crazy party apparently in the Big Brother Canada house, and in turn, we missed almost all of it because of the live feeds going down.
The Big Brother Canada 6 Veto Ceremony took place in the house on Monday, and just as you would imagine, the results of this were fairly dramatic — especially because of a speech.