‘Glee’ season 5, episode 6 review: The future for Blaine, Sam, and Becky Jackson in ‘Movin’ Out’

The wait begins -Finally at long last, we had an episode of “Glee” that actually seems to be getting a few of the characters closer to being in New York City. “Movin’ Out” was the best episode of the post-Cory Monteith era, mostly because it actually did introduce us to what the story on the show could look like in the event that more of the characters move to New York City.

Let’s start by calming down Twitter for a moment: Sam and Rachel aren’t getting together just because the two characters had a scene involving modeling photos. Remember Penny Owen? Yeah, Sam has feelings for someone else. Not only that, but Rachel is still getting over Finn. We feel for Chord Overstreet still, mostly because his career on the show has been fans attacking him for being with characters destined to be with someone else.

But Sam decided in here that he was going to become a mode, and Blaine did his best to prepare for a NYADA audition that had him extremely nervous to the point where he tried to claim that he’d rather be a doctor.

As for the other story, it was charming because it allowed Becky Jackson to have a lot of screen time as Artie found a way to make sure that she was set up at a great school in Cincinnati, where she could meet some like-minded individuals who would help her to prepare for the rest of her future. There are so many things still coming up for her, and this seems to be the right place for her to be. Even Sue Sylvester for a time accepted that.

Oh, and Ryder and Marley are now dating again (sort of) … which is hard to really care about since we’ve been down this road before. We do like the Ryder character, but this story is just repetitive and we really don’t care.

All in all, “Movin’ Out” was actually entertaining and not nearly as annoying as last week’s “The End of Twerk.” We just hope that the focus continues to shift more and more to New York City and away from some of the Lima antics. Grade: B.

What did you think about this “Glee” episode? Be sure to share your thoughts below, and click here if you want to read some more news related to the show. (We’ll have a preview for next week’s episode soon.)

Photo: Fox

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