‘The Big Bang Theory’ season 7 spoilers: News on Stuart, Sheldon, and Amy
In kicking off this article on “The Big Bang Theory” season 7, we have to say that if you are a major supporter of lonely comic-book store owner Stuart, you will be relatively pleased with the amount of screen time that the character (who was at one point even a series regular last year) is going to have when the show picks back up starting on Thursday, September 26. Speaking to TVLine, executive producer Steven Molaro confirmed that we are going to see Kevin Sussman in at least half of the first six episodes of the season. While there are some limitations to this character (mostly in that he’s always miserable), he is a nice presence to have a around.
In shifting back to some longtime members of the permanent cast, Molaro also promised that when it comes to Sheldon and Amy’s relationship the writers are going to continue to try and walk a pretty delicate line between showing progression between the two, but not so much that they start to lose a little bit of sight of themselves:
“That is the constant challenge in the writers room, to keep them growing and moving forward but a pace that’s comfortable and that doesn’t change the show too much.”
Following what happened with the “Dungeons & Dragons”-themed episode last year, we would be surprised to see the show really rush into much with the two of them early on this year. Instead, we expect the focus to be a little bit more on Raj’s progression, and the story of Leonard’s return from sea and how he adjusts to being on dry land again. Sheldon is not going to be handling that well, and even that separation anxiety may be more of a story than what is happening with his girlfriend.
Photo: CBS