Survivor 48 episode 4: Who is set up entering tribe swap?

As you get yourselves prepared to see Survivor 48 episode 4 on CBS this coming Wednesday, the tribe swap stands out. It has to! We’re entering this really pivotal spot in the game at this point given that everything could be shaken up and there is a lot of luck that comes into every move.
So is anyone actually set up now better than anyone else? For the time being, we do at least think there are some arguments to be made here.
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First and foremost here, let’s go ahead and point out that with a lot of randomness, it makes sense to advocate the most for someone with a lot of possible alliances and also an immunity idol. This is where Kyle on Civa (currently) is set up extremely well. This is someone who has an idol, a somewhat quiet alliance with Kamilla, and other possible friends in the game. There is zero evidence to suggest at the moment that he will be a target, and it feels like he will do reasonably well in some group challenges in the near future.
In general, the worst thing that you can be after a tribe swap is someone who sticks out like a sore thumb, and really the only way we foresee that happening to someone like Kyle is in the event he ends up being the only Civa person on a new tribe. The good news is that mathematically, this is not super-likely given the fact that there are still six people from this tribe in the game.
Now it is true that sometimes, having an idol can be a detriment if a ton of people know about it. Yet, we don’t think that there is any reason for Kamilla to spill the beans given how close they are … and they may not even be on the same tribe together!
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Survivor 48 right now, including what else is coming
What do you think we are going to see moving into Survivor 48 episode 4?
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