The White Lotus season 3 episode 5: Will you root for Rick?

The White Lotus season 3
Photo: HBO

As we look a little more towards The White Lotus season 3 episode 5 on HBO this weekend, how are you meant to feel? Is there a chance that you could actually be rooting for Rick?

To date, a lot of our affection for Walton Goggins’ character has been born out of the actor’s history of memorable on-screen roles. This is someone who has often played people who are incredibly likable and charming, but Rick is cold and intentionally closed-off. Yet, we learned some more about him in episode 4, largely in the form of him wanting to get what he believes to be justice for his late father.

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If everything about to change? Well, speaking to Forbes, Goggins went more into playing a character who is not likable at first in the traditional sense:

“Yeah, it is different for me, although I’ve played quiet and troubled and all the rest of it. I hope that when you say it’s a difficult person for you to like, by design – nobody else likes him, either. He doesn’t want to be liked by anyone. It’s like when he lets the snakes go in episode three, it is like they are him. He is freeing himself by freeing them, because he is vilified. People like him are vilified by the general population and they make no room for him, right? And so, once he gets to Bangkok, all of a sudden you meet a very different guy. Hopefully, when you find out the motivations of why he’s there, hopefully your dislike of him turns into, if not liking, understanding and then empathy and then hopefully rooting for him and then falling deeply in love with him. I hope that’s where your heart ultimately nets out.”

We do hope that some of this is true and beyond just this, that he brings some of this sentiment back to his relationship with Chelsea. She is clearly someone who cares about him, and also sees something in him that few other people do.

Related Be sure to get some more news entering the next The White Lotus season 3 episode

What are you the most excited to see at this point when it comes to The White Lotus season 3 episode 5?

Is there any one thing in particular you are hoping to see? Share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates.

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