Love is Blind season 8 finale: Are Taylor and Daniel still together?

Love Is Blind season 8
Photo: Netflix

We knew that there would be some big moments throughout the Love is Blind season 8 finale — and that including Taylor and Daniel’s wedding! They are the only two people from this season who tied the knot, but does that mean they are still together?

After all, it is important to note here that a lot of time has passed between when this season filmed and where we are now, and that does open the door to all sorts of different possibilities.

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For now, here is some of what we can say: Netflix and the show’s producers are really careful when it comes to giving information away about who is or is not still together. The contestants are in lockstep on that on social media. While Taylor and Daniel both promoted the wedding, they did so without much mention of where they are now.

With that being said…

There is not any direct evidence out there to suggest that the two are no longer together, and there also was not anything in the reunion trailer that suggested this, either. We go into the reunion cautiously optimistic that the two have made it, and that would really be a success story for a franchise that always needs these sort of proof-of-concept relationships. We’ve said this before, but dealing with that whole Instagram saga right after the pods may have been the best thing for the couple. After all, it tested them, and also allowed Taylor to see that Daniel will be there to help her deal with adversity. It can be hard when you do get married to someone without tackling any sort of problems beforehand — honestly, that may have been an issue with Joey and Monica.

Related Be sure to get some more thoughts entering the Love is Blind season 8 reunion

What do you think the future is going to hold for Taylor and Daniel after Love is Blind season 8?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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