Paradise season 1 finale: Sterling K. Brown on Xavier cliffhanger

Paradise season 1
Photo: Hulu

Based on what we had a chance to see over the course of the Paradise season 1 finale on Hulu this week, we understand if you are feeling a range of emotions.

For Sterling K. Brown’s character of Xavier, the good news for now is that he does know the truth about who killed Cal. However, he also does not technically no if his wife is actually alive. That is why, in the closing minutes of the episode, he gets on board the aircraft and seems to be heading on a journey towards Atlanta. It seems as though it is still possible she is out there, given that you can survive outside of that community.

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Speaking to TVLine, Brown himself went into the cliffhanger and what Xavier is thinking in those final moments:

On his mind is Atlanta. That’s what he’s thinking. Atlanta is close enough to the East Coast; it’s not going to look the way that it did before. So, I think he’s as curious, cautious as anything. He doesn’t know what he’s about to see. All he knows is that there is life, right? I think everybody probably will tend to imagine the worst-case scenario. [Laughs] Well, I’m also thinking of Dan [Fogelman, series creator], too, who likes to imagine worst-case scenarios, as evidenced by the game that he would have Beth and Randall play on This is Us called “Worst-Case Scenario,” right? [Laughs]

So, it could be anything. And I think that’s what Season 2 is going to look like as he gets in that plane and takes off on the quest to find his wife. He’s like, “I have no idea what I’m getting myself into, I just need to find her.”

Will Xavier be out in the world all season?

That is a little too early to say and yet, at the same time we hope that we’re going to still get a lot of Paradise itself. We just want to avoid the dilemma that was present throughout much of the second season of Silo, one where Juliette was separate from most of the cast during the second season.

Related When is season 2 of Paradise going to actually premiere?

What did you think about the overall events of the Paradise season 1 finale?

Are you curious about where the second season could go? Be sure to let us know right now! Once you do, come back to get some other updates.

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