Survivor 50: Jeff Probst on casting process, narrowing down names

Survivor 50
Photo: CBS

We recognize already that there is a lot being done on Survivor 50 already leading up to its premiere next year. After all, the show has opened up voting already to the public about a number of things, whether it be tribe colors, rice distribution, or even whether or not there will be a final four fire-making challenge.

As for the cast, though, it seems on paper like that’s something production will figure out. While they did do a fan vote previously for Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance, there is no evidence for now that we’re seeing that here.

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Speaking to TVLine, host and executive producer Jeff Probst noted just how much work has already been done from a casting point of view:

“We had about 200 [to start] and we said, ‘OK, these are all interesting names’ and you can make a different case for each of them. Then we got it down to 100. That first cut was brutal! Then we got it down to 70 and now there’s blood everywhere! So, I am not gonna lie and tell you we know who’s going to be on the show right now because we don’t. It was extremely exciting and painfully difficult to do because there are going to be people disappointed all over the place, but there’s going to be a lot of people very excited to be the representative of our 50th season.”

Another fun question we’re thinking about is whether or not these 70 or so names are all people eager to return for another season or just hypotheticals. We do tend to think that most people asked would want to come back but at the same time, nothing is guaranteed. We just hope that there is a mixture of players across all eras and so far as we can tell, this very much feels like it is going to be the plan.

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Who do you want to see appear on Survivor 50 when it airs next year?

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