Yellowjackets season 3 premiere: An early Sophie Thatcher tease

We recognize fully that it has been a long wait — yet, the Yellowjackets season 3 premiere is now set to arrive in under two weeks! This means we’ve got a chance to dive back into the mysterious world of the wilderness, and hopefully get a lot of answers at the same time.
Now, on paper you can argue that this is going to be an especially big season for Natalie, at least within the past timeline — the character is gone from the present and yet, back in the wilderness she’s been named the Antler Queen. What will she do with this position of leadership? It is a big question that we certainly hope that the show gives us an answer to at some point.
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Now, without further ado, let’s get more into what Sophie Thatcher had to say about the part. Speaking to USA Today, the actress indicated that the first episode back presented a “lightness that I didn’t expect,” and that this “might be the healthiest we see Natalie.” If you are hoping for a huge storyline right away, though, Thatcher notes that she “doesn’t have a lot going on in the first couple of episodes.” Odds are, that is going to escalate more and more over time.
The most important thing throughout Yellowjackets season 3 is that we do get more answers as to how crazy things get out there. We recognize that there is a lot that transpired that the survivors have yet to fully wrap their heads around in the present — sure, Jackie was already eaten, but there are also a few others who may befall a somewhat similar fate before we get to the end of the road. That is just something that we’re preparing for at present.
Related – Be sure to get some more details on Yellowjackets season 3 behind the scenes!
What do you most want to see moving into the Yellowjackets season 3 premiere?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.