Bad Sisters season 2 episode 6 video: After the incident at sea…

Bad Sisters season 2
Photo: Apple TV+

As we prepare to see Bad Sisters season 2 episode 6 on Apple TV+ this week, there is one question front and center: How do the Garveys move forward? Is there any way in which they really can?

First and foremost, go ahead and take a look at what happened at the end of episode 5, as we saw Fiona Shaw’s character of Angelica die. How did that happen? Well, it was seemingly an accident, as she fell overboard the boat after being hit with the mast. While she was in the midst of an argument with Ursula, Becka, and Bibi, nobody struck her or is even remotely responsible for her death. This is, once again, these characters being a part of a scandalous situation despite the fact that they didn’t actually kill the person involved.

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If you head over to Broadway World now, you can see a sneak preview for the next episode that puts front and center how the three sisters plus Eva are going to move forward. What’s the plan here? It’s apparently not that complicated: They are meant to just move forward as though nothing happened. Doing anything else would start to create a lot of suspicion about their involvement.

At this point, shouldn’t they be used to navigating controversy? In theory sure, but the problem that all four of them face right now is fairly simple, as there is no clear evidence that they are going to be getting out of the woods anytime soon. As a matter of fact, we would say that some of their problems could get a lot worse before they are better.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Bad Sisters — what more can you expect to see?

What do you most want to see moving into Bad Sisters season 2 episode 6 on Apple TV+ next week?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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