The Voice 26 results (Team Snoop): Did Christina Eagle advance?

The Voice season 26
Photo: NBC

Tonight, everyone on Team Snoop had a chance to perform on The Voice 26 — so, who ended up delivering in the end?

We suppose here that the first thing we really should note is that Snoop made a really controversial choice in mentor here with Simone Biles — and that has nothing to do with her likability. She’s arguably the most important gymnast of all time, but she’s also not a singer. Yet, here’s why we don’t hate the move: She knows how to make a brand based off yourself, and that is something that a lot of these contestants need!

So what did Snoop decide? First and foremost, he opted to give Jeremy Beloate another chance, and that was a really pleasant surprise. He’s had a pretty circuitous journey to make it this far, but we think that Snoop really does feel like he has one of the best voices in the entire competition.

Now, here’s where things get especially fun as Christina Eagle is ALSO moving forward as a part of his team. Who saw that coming back when she got just one chair to turn during the blind auditions? Snoop has really instilled a lot of confidence in him, and we’re sure that there are some people out there totally surprised that he chose two artists who are incredibly different from himself. Yet, at the same time we do think that this is how he’s conducted most of his career from music to acting to being a businessman. He’s never really followed the beat of anyone else, and we’re honestly curious to see what he will do next!

Of course, it is totally funny that Snoop, rather than Reba, has a female country singer on his time moving forward.

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Voice, including the results from Team Reba

What is your take on The Voice 26 playoffs for Team Snoop, and the results?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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