Tracker season 2 episode 2 video: See Jensen Ackles in action

Tracker season 2
Photo: CBS

Tomorrow night on CBS, you are going to have a chance to see Tracker season 2 episode 2 — so what story stands out?

In this particular case, we really don’t think that it is all that complicated. This episode is going to feature the return of Jensen Ackles as Russell, and of course that’s been anticipated ever since his arrival earlier this year. Colter’s brother has his unique way of doing things and even if the two don’t see eye to eye all the time, they both want to protect each other. Over the course of Sunday’s episode, you are going to see Russell work to emphasize that very thing.

If you head over to Entertainment Weekly now, you can see a sneak peek for the upcoming episode where Russell takes it upon himself to make sure Colter is untraceable after he turns up MIA earlier on in the hour. First, he breaks his phone. Then, he checks his body for bugs and finds something on his neck. He disposed of that and after this happens, it looks as though he’s going to be a-okay for at least the short-term.

As for the long-term, we’ll have to wait and see — with that being said, though, we are pretty hopeful that the Shaw brothers are going to be engaged in some awesome action sequences. Why wouldn’t you want that? Also, we do think it is fair for Colter to ask Russell how much he knew, if anything, about the information he learned about his family history at the end of last season. Given that Melissa Roxburgh may not be appearing as Dory until later on in the season, we do think we’ll have to take our updates from elsewhere in the immediate future.

No matter what happens, seeing Ackles and Justin Hartley back around each other should be worth the price of admission.

Related Get some more news right now on Tracker season 2 right now, including what else is ahead

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