Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Any changes to the plan? (day 86)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

We have now made it to day 86 within the Big Brother 26 house and within that, the final four eviction is right around the corner. We’re operating under the assumption that it will be live tomorrow night, though the show does pre-tape this here and there.

So who is going to be the target of the eviction right now? Well, for the time being we’re not going into the rest of the day thinking that there’s going to be some surprise: Rubina is going to be a part of the jury. Unfortunately, it also feels like she deserves to be at this point. We like her as a person, but how do you wait this long to campaign? If you are Makensy, you can read this easily as someone not caring all that much about their fate. Or, Rubina hoping to get the last word, and that may feel manipulative in its own way.

While Cam has hardly been a strategic mastermind this season, he’s played this situation well. He’s checked in with Makensy strategically a couple of times, made some arguments, hasn’t been too aggressive, and also allowed her to have some distance. He’s presented that he cares and wants to be there. Rubina may be nervous or fearful about making a pitch — or, she may internally have given up already. The oddest thing is that she’s told Makensy she wants to talk to her and yet, never has.

At this point, it feels pretty easy for Makensy to make an argument as to why he’s evicting her; to be specific, she can just come out and say that Rubina waited too long and she doesn’t want to make some decision on this at the last minute.

We do think that a conversation will happen today; honestly, it would be insane if it doesn’t.

Related See more news on the Big Brother 26 live feeds, including other discussions

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