Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Chelsie’s ‘plan’ with Cam (day 79)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Welcome to day 79 in the Big Brother 26 house! Given that tomorrow is an eviction, we would love to be sitting here having an in-depth game discussion that is all about what Kimo and Rubina are doing to ensure their safety long-term in the game.

So is that happening? Well, let’s give you a pretty clear answer for a moment here: No. They aren’t doing much of anything, Kimo is still going to jury, and we’d be shocked if there is some incredible campaign today. Rubina will probably check in with Chelsie and Cam (the two voters), and maybe Kimo will do the same without some sort of big argument. Instead, they can sing and goof off in the house! We honestly like them a lot as people, but gamers? Well, not so much.

So instead of talking about game, here we are talking about Chelsie saying that she wants to make out with Cam at the wrap party. It really doesn’t seem like he’s into her that way at all, and still, this is what’s going to happen? We don’t want to clown on her too much just because she’s clearly trying to separate game from her feelings, and that game can do crazy things to people. Also, two weeks in we would’ve said that Leah would never be interested in Quinn … and we know where things went there by the end.

The real point of mentioning this is that Cam remains Chelsie’s only real weakness in this game. We honestly do think that he would cut her at final three, at least if he could bring Rubina instead. Makensy realizes already that it would be smart for Chelsie to boot her at final four so clearly, she will be gunning for that Veto. We just wonder what she’ll do if she wins the Veto and has a chance to get Chelsie out, knowing she is a threat.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 right now, including our update from the feeds yesterday

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