Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, 9/29?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Photo: HBO

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? We don’t think it is making some sort of absolutely bonkers statement for us to say that we’d love it on in a matter of hours.

After all, just think about where we are as a country right now! In just over a month the next Presidential Election is going to be here, and we’re sure that there is going to be a ton of newsworthy commentary to be had in the weeks leading up to it. That’s of course in addition to whatever main segments that Oliver wants to do — a number of those will still be evergreen, which both the show and HBO seem to want for the sake of added rewatchability in the years to come. A lot of them still feel relevant today, even if they were recorded years ago.

Without further ado now, let’s go ahead and share the news that Last Week Tonight is going to be on the air tonight, but you are going to be waiting a good while to see it. The plan here is for it to air at 11:15 p.m. Eastern, which is slightly later due mostly to Industry season 3 airing its big finale. Given how used we are to this show airing at a number of random points in time, it’s really not too big of an issue.

Also, how many people at this point are still watching the show exactly when it is on? This is something that we’ve honestly wondered for a while, especially in this current era now where HBO is waiting until Thursdays to post the main segments on YouTube. While Oliver himself has spoken out against the practice, it is also not something that he has a lot of control over. Really, it is all about what the network itself wants to do with their own show.

What do you want to see on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver when it returns?

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