America’s Got Talent: Stephanie Rainey sings ‘Woman’

America's Got Talent season 19
Photo: NBC

We knew that on America’s Got Talent tonight, we were going to see Stephanie Rainey return to the stage with another original. Following her incredible “Please Don’t Go,” she performed “Woman” tonight, a song inspired by her mother’s battle with cancer.

Just like with the audition, one thing that was clear from the get-go is that there is a lot of power in Stephanie’s voice. She understands how to channel emotion into what she’s doing, and it is not just about hitting one big note after another. There’s a chance that she can really carry this through to some sort of larger career. One of the smart things about her songwriting in particular is that the messages are poignant, but also still fairly easy to understand.

Now, if there are two things that we’re concerned about here, it is simply this: Her voice did have a couple of moments where it was slightly off-pitch, and the song itself felt like it ended in a pretty abrupt way. It also was not as memorable as the audition, and that is really a trend that continued for the first 80 minutes of the episode. Because this has been a pretty shaky episode overall, we do think there is a legitimately good chance that Stephanie at least makes the top five. Yet, we also cannot be confident of anything when America has been pretty unpredictable with a lot of the results this season!

After all, consider the fact that we’ve seen a number of vocalists not advance when in the past, we would have considered that to be somewhat of a sure thing. To a certain extent, there is a desire for more variety than ever among fans; just being a great singer does not carry the same weight as it did.

Related Be sure to get some more news on America’s Got Talent, including some other performances tonight

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