Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Tucker versus production?

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

If there’s one thing we’ve come to know about Tucker within the Big Brother 26 house, it’s this: The man is a generational hater. The guy always needs to have a rivalry with someone. We saw it with Lisa, and we’ve certainly seen it with both Quinn and Cedric.

Now that he is not on the block, he is having to shift a lot of that energy for a new archenemy — and this time around, it is production. Why? Well, it seems to have to do with a certain saga that we will call massage-gate.

What actually happened here is rather simple: Just like Tucker things that he’s good at everything, he thinks that he’s a good chiropractor. With that, he saw no problem with him trying to work on Rubina’s neck even after production warned him on multiple occasions. When he eventually stopped, he apparently tore into “Mr. B” (as Felicia often called them) before complaining about the house. Then, the feeds cut and when they returned, Tucker was in the Diary Room and everyone was trying to reenact him losing it. Brooklyn’s clocked that he has a temper and that could be his problem in the game — though it already felt clear long before this that Tucker’s the sort of guy who is going to run hot. He’s a lot to deal with, even if he does bring good TV.

For those wondering, Tucker and Makensy actually talked game a little bit earlier, making this one of the few instances where she has this week. He seemed to tell her she could be okay versus Cedric, but also indicated at the same time that both Brooklyn and Chelsie are telling people what they want to hear. (He at least got that right…) More than likely, Makensy is leaving if she doesn’t take home the AI Arena.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 now, including the Tucker – Joseph connection

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