The Bachelorette episode 5: Did Jenn Tran keep Matt around?

The Bachelorette Jenn Tran
Photo: ABC

Entering Monday night’s The Bachelorette episode, we knew there were many questions — with the biggest one revolving around Jenn Tran and Matt.

After all, consider what transpired on this past episode! Matt Rossi is an ex from Jenn’s past who turned up out of the blue in New Zealand. This of course led to a lot of allegations that the show staged the whole thing, and the answer to that is complicated. Do we think the producers helped to facilitate things? Sure, but we also believe that Matt decided to coordinate with them the big arrival on his own, and also that his feelings for Jenn are legitimate. Seeing her go on this journey may have forced him to confront some feelings that he had tried to bury for a good while. He did not come across as a terrible guy in episode 4!

Entering the episode tonight, what we did at least know is that Jenn invited Matt to the cocktail party — meaning that he did have a chance to get a rose and continue forward. However, we also saw that a ton of the guys were immediately upset with his presence, making us think there was a good chance she’d ultimately opt to send him out.

After all, the best indicator of the present is the past, and we’d seen similar situations to this play out over time.

So, what did Jenn actually decide?

Well, to the surprise of no one, Jenn sent Matt home. We honestly do think that the guys were a little too harsh with him, given that he did actually come across as really nice. He even apologized to the men for being a distraction to the process!

Related Be sure to get some other coverage entering The Bachelorette, including Jenn discussing the show edit

What did you think is going to happen with Jenn Tran and Matt entering The Bachelorette episode 5?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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