Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 2 Veto winner; early fallout

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Who won the week 2 Power of Veto Competition today in the Big Brother 26 house? There is certainly a lot to discuss there, but also more in terms of what the plans are going to be over the next couple of days.

Let’s start with what, we suppose, is somewhat of the surprise: Kenney has the Veto! He was up against Head of Household Chelsie plus fellow nominees Angela and Lisa — Joseph and Brooklyn also competed, but did either one of them push that hard to win? It’s just interesting to see Kenney have a competitive edge at this point after seeming to be more than fine to roll over the past week or so in the game.

This move does of course mean that Chelsie has to nominate someone else, and that could cause her to really get more blood on her hands than she really wanted to — her nominations at first this week were pretty easy. It still could be, at least if Tucker really decides to go through with volunteering to be a pawn. Can you argue that he stands a good chance of beating Angela and Lisa at the AI Arena? Sure, but the competition may not be something all that physical and he could be seen as a bigger threat than either of them. On the surface, a lot of his rationale appears to be that going up with expose potentially one of the powers, but that’s pretty silly as it will almost certainly do nothing.

The bigger story that we have to figure out here is why the show is blocking so many of the live feeds tonight. There is a lot of speculation that it is due to Angela but regardless of the reason, isn’t the whole point of this show the social experiment? This season has become incredibly frustrating with that, especially since there are some events from the house that may never end up on the show. Take, for example, the argument with Lisa and Angela from days ago.

Related What happened leading up to the Veto Competition?

What do you most want to see happen within the Big Brother 26 house the rest of tonight?

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