Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: New delusions of grandeur

The fun thing about the first weeks of a Big Brother season is getting an opportunity to see people gas themselves full of hot air. Nobody actually knows if they are a good player or not, but some have already convinced themselves that they are.
Take, for starters, Matt — sure, he’s on the block now after Lisa used the Veto on herself, but he thinks that he has way more numbers than he does. You’ve also got Kenney saying that he wants to go over him, and this could fill him up with even more false confidence. All of this is hilarious … and then, you have Tucker.
At this point, we’re honestly not sure if Tucker is a good player or just the reincarnation of Zach Rance, who had no real filter or ability to rein in his game but was nonetheless good feeds for a lot of the time they were in the game. In the past few hours he’s relentlessly bashed Lisa, Matt, and Makensy, while also have a conversation with the latter to her face where he acted all nice-nice. He’s told Kimo that he’s 100% saying (which is true), but that if Matt is up on the block versus Kenney after the AI Arena, they should still get out Matt anyway. Tucker is so much more entertaining than we expected pre-season, largely because he has both no filter and no chill.
Is Tucker delusional that he can keep all this up? 100%, but enjoy it while it lasts. He’s one of the only people really bringing the mess tonight since Angela seems to be done with her apology tour and Kenney is feeling sorry for himself.
With this, let’s hope that tomorrow gives us a few more campaigns but really, we’re still not sure if the AI Arena twist is helpful. It introduces so much uncertainty right before the vote and because of that, some people may be a tad more tentative.
Related – See more of why Kenney wants to quit
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