Evil season 4 episode 9: What’s going on with Ben?

Evil season 3
Photo: Paramount+

We certainly know that Evil season 4 episode 9 has all the potential in the world to be crazy. There are only six episodes ahead! That means that there are so many questions that need to be answered. Can Timothy be saved? What’s going on with Andy? Can Sheryl earn back Kristen’s trust? These are just some of the things that are bouncing around in our mind at the moment.

For the sake of this article, though, let’s keep our question fairly simple: What is going on with Ben? After all, it is pretty clear that there are some pretty-weird things taking place with him at the moment. To get some more about it, and about the state of things with him and Renee, all you have to do is check out what Aasif Mandvi had to say to TV Insider:

“I think it’s interesting because I don’t know if Ben knows what he wants. I mean, it’s an interesting thing because he’s experiencing something where he’s having this kind of time gap where things are happening and he’s not remembering them, and then also he’s doing things that are completely out of character for him.

“So I think there’s a couple of things going on. I don’t think he knows if this is really happening. From Ben’s point of view, on some level, things are explainable, but this doesn’t seem explainable … So he doesn’t know if it’s like Renee is f—–g with him or is it from the particle accelerator? He’s experiencing this djinn. Is it to do with that? I think he’s really inside a storm of just not knowing what is going on when we see him in [Episode] 407. Then he starts to figure out some ways of [dealing with what’s happening] later in the season.”

We do imagine that there will be some measure of closure on this for Ben soon, whether it be episode 10 (which was originally planned to be the finale) or the actual finale in episode 14. We want Ben to be happy and have some measure of clarity! Of course, we also feel the same way about a ton of other characters in this world at the same exact time.

Related Check out some more information now on Evil season 4 episode 9, including other details on what lies ahead

What do you think we are going to see happen with Ben on Evil season 4?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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