America’s Got Talent video: Meet Mia Soleil Sanchez

America's Got Talent season 19
Photo: NBC

Next week on America’s Got Talent, you are going to see a new episode arrive — why not meet Mia Soleil Sanchez?

Now, we should say that we’ve seen a ton of different young singers over the years, but a lot of them do tend to blend together since they choose similar songs. That’s not the case here, as the 13-year old singer with a huge voice chose to do “Happier Than Ever” by Billie Eilish. This is a song that a lot of young people her age would probably listen to with regularity, and there is something rather natural with that.

What also makes this such a great choice for this competition is the opportunity it provides to really showcase a number of different facets of who she is as a singer. There’s a vulnerability to the early part of the song and from there, it gets into the part where she is able to show more of her power and range. The judges clearly respond well to her audition, and she also has the endorsement of Simon Cowell. We know that for singers in particular, this is something that matters a great deal to them.

At this point, it feels like a near-given that we’re going to see Mia in the live shows — so is there anything that she can do to push her performance over the top? We do tend to think the #1 thing she will need to emphasize moving forward is simply choosing songs that are equally creative. If she does that, there are reasons aplenty to be confident in her future. It will be up to the voting public and yet, they’ve shown many times over that they are often eager to advance singers forward.

You can watch the full audition now over at the link here.

Related Be sure to get some more news on America’s Got Talent now, including some other highlights!

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