Presumed Innocent episode 6 preview: Everything to know

Presumed Innocent
Photo: Apple TV+

In just a handful of days Presumed Innocent episode 6 is poised to arrive over on Apple TV+ — but what more can be said about it now?

If you are up to date on the Jake Gyllenhaal thriller, then you know already that Wednesday’s installment “The Elements” is crucial. The official logline cements that further: “The trial begins. Startling events inside the courtroom threaten to derail proceedings.”

Now, what events is that talking about? So much of it will depend on who Tommy and/or Raymond choose to put on the stand. There are a lot of different possibilities that are out there. After all, there are photos from this episode that signal Barbara will be present; yet, there’s already been a debate as to whether or not she should testify. Rusty does need someone to potentially speak about his character, but are there any good options for him at this point?

It feels more like the best thing he can hope for is if Raymond or Tommy, whether it be purposeful or not, allow for the trial to be sidetracked with another set of characters taking center stage. If that happens, there is a chance that you could see something different leak out into the case. Is this a way to point the finger elsewhere? For Raymond, this could be a part of the plan, but the other is working to ensure that Rusty couldn’t have done it.

The problematic nature of Tommy

Regardless of Rusty’s own guilty, there is a chance to use the prosecuting attorney’s own past against him. If there is any inkling of jealousy or disdain on his part presented towards the defendant, be prepared to see Raymond jump at it. If he can’t prove anything further, showing that justice is tilted against his client is a major step in the right direction.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to the next Presumed Innocent right now

What do you most want to see moving into Presumed Innocent episode 6?

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