Interview with the Vampire season 3: A new Armand?

Interview with the Vampire season 2, Lestat
Photo: AMC

As we prepare to see Interview with the Vampire season 3, it does feel fairly clear that Armand is nobody’s friend right now. Daniel revealed the truth about his long-held lie regarding the play and the deaths of Claudia and Madeleine. Louis left him, and Armand then turned Daniel out of spite.

It certainly does feel like Armand still has a role to play within the series … but what will that look like? It is certainly one of those questions you want an answer to and soon.

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Of course, getting a specific one may be rather hard to come by. Speaking to Vulture, Assad Zaman simply made it clear that the secrets being out there does open the door for almost anything:

“…There’s nothing to say that we don’t see a completely new facet to him now because he’s been exposed; that mask is off now. I’m really, really curious to see what happened in Dubai after Louis left that room.”

Will we actually see it in season 3? It is possible, but that honestly feels like a moment that could be almost any point down the road depending on how many seasons this goes. Much of the third season will be geared towards Lestat and the story he chooses to tell regarding his past. We know that one is full of complications, but he was not present when Armand turned Daniel. With that, you have to find a way to fit that into a separate story.

Also, Armand was seemingly in the wind when we learned that he turned Daniel in the finale. Where is he now? It is certainly something that we’d love to see explored — alongside with a dozen or so over things. This world is rich, and that is partially what makes it great.

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What do you want to see with Armand on Interview with the Vampire season 3?

Go ahead and let us know in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are some other updates ahead.

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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