Under the Bridge episode 8 (finale): What happened to Cam?

Entering the finale of Under the Bridge today on Hulu, the fates of a number of characters within the story were clear. However, at the same time, there were questions still about one person in particular in Cam: What happened to her?
As some of you may be aware, Lily Gladstone’s character is the most prominent person within the limited series who was not actually present amidst the Reena Virk case — she was a creation designed for the purposes of the show. This does create some questions when it comes to how certain scenes actually played out, and it does make her relationship with Rebecca (a real person based on author Rebecca Godfrey) all the more complicated.
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While almost every character within this story does have some sort of full conclusion, Cam is the exception to the rule. Within the finale she learns that her family history was not what it was once presented to her, and that leads her to understand that she was taken away from her First Nations heritage. She feels hurt and betrayed by her adoptive father, and within that, vows to undergo a journey to learn the truth about her past. A lot of this storyline is meant to be a nod at some revelations about First Nations communities over the past several decades, whether it be children being taken from their families or the eventual efforts at reconciliation.
You can certainly make the argument that out of this show, there is another full story to be told here starring Gladstone — though not much has been said regarding that. It just adds another emotional layer to this character. Can you argue that the reveal was a bit forced into the finale, given that there had not be much attention paid to it previously? Sure, but we at least hope that it leads to some out there learning more about truly happened to people in Cam’s position so many years ago.
Related – Is there a case for a separate story all about Cam?
What did you think about the events of the Under the Bridge finale, especially the Cam reveal?
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