Monsieur Spade season 1 episode 5: The last before finale
As you prepare to see Monsieur Spade season 1 episode 5 on AMC and AMC+ next week, there is absolutely a lot to prepare for!
First and foremost, though, we have to start by noting where this season lies within the overall order of things right now. There are only two more episodes to come, and that means not a lot of time in order to tie together what are a pretty wide array of loose ends. Are we going to learn the truth about the mysterious boy, Philippe, or some of the other characters on the periphery? Time will tell!
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If there is one thing we are pretty confident in right now, it is simply this: That we are going to see some entertaining stuff ahead. After all, why wouldn’t we think that at this point? This show has proven itself to be fully immersive, as you can easily find yourselves right in the trenches of this community in France. We want justice to be served, but also Sam Spade to be happy.
Based on where things stand at the moment, we wouldn’t be altogether shocked at all if the events of episode 5 carry over directly into the finale — and yes, it is a rough thought that there are only six episodes here in general. Sure, that’s an indication that the creative team felt that there was only this much story to tell but selfishly, of course we wish that things could go on a little bit longer. That’s where viewership comes in, as a big audience will be the sort of thing that helps to make another season of the show happen.
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What do you most want to see moving into Monsieur Spade season 1 episode 5 over on AMC?
Where do you think that things are going to go? Share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back for some other updates.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.