Death and Other Details season 1: Where is Viktor Sams?

Death and Other Details season 1
Photo: Hulu

As we try and prepare to see Death and Other Details season 1 episode 5 on Hulu in a matter of days, it makes sense to have many questions! A big one, of course, resolves around the mysterious identity of one Viktor Sams. This is someone seemingly behind the death of Imogene’s mother, and he also clearly had ties to the death of Danny, as well. Winnie may have actually committed the crime (so it seems), but she may have been his follower.

Now that we’ve laid all of this out there, we have another important question to consider: Where is this guy? Is he someone who can actually be tracked down?

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The most obvious idea to think about and consider here is that Viktor Sams may be someone currently on board the ship, which would make some sense given that we would want the killer to be someone we already have a certain amount of history with. In a lot of ways, the show is more intriguing if we have some background on them!

Another possibility, meanwhile, is that Sams may actually be in Malta — or, there is a clue there. After all, the early details (get it?) for season 1 episode 5 suggest that you are going to be seeing Imogene and Sunil both head ashore to do some digging into something. Given that this is only a ten-episode series, we are going to see things move rather quickly — and don’t they have to?

The only thing we hope is that no matter when Sams is fully revealed, there is enough time for it to be explained. The last thing we want here is a rushed reveal on something of this nature!

Related Be sure to get some more news regarding Death and Other Details right now, including what else is ahead

Where do you think we are going to see Victor Sams moving into Death and Other Details season 1 episode 5?

Do you think we’re about to see him at all? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back for other updates.

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