The Traitors season 2 episode 5: Which Traitor is in danger?

The Traitors season 2
Photo: Peacock

As we get ourselves prepared to see The Traitors season 2 episode 5 on Peacock next week, who among the Traitors is actually in danger?

Here is one of the fun things about this season so far: All of them have a certain measure of heat and attention around them. There are some reasons for concern, but we think that Dan, Parvati, and Phaedra are all pretty shrewd and will do whatever they can to win. With that, you could make a case that for entertainment’s sake, it’s best if all three of them last a little while longer!

The fun thing about this show, though, is that one wrong move could doom any of them. This could be the season where a Faithful scores the W … but we’ll have to wait and see on some of that. For now, let’s rank the Traitors in terms of who is in the most danger, starting with the person most likely to be safe.

3. Dan – One week ago, we would’ve had him #1, and that is a reminder of how much a single week can change things. We’re not sure he imagined the full Phaedra vs. Parvati showdown when he suggested to her that they should get Phaedra at some point before she gets them … but he certainly planted a seed. Now, these two are after each other and he may be able to sit back. Also, they just got rid of Larsa, one of the two people most concerned about him!

2. Parvati – We’ve gone back-and-forth on this so many times already. If she can continue to convince all the non-Housewives that one of them is a Traitor, she can be okay. However, there was heat on her at the start of the season and we can’t just forget about that now. Also, Phaedra could be coming for her full-steam! She’s certainly not going to forget what happened at that roundtable…

1. Phaedra – We know that she’s cutthroat, but can she really stop a train of suspicion coming right at her? Some of it could depend on if Parvati and Dan want to deflect attention off of her and onto someone else … but at this point, we tend to think you have to target her. Phaedra is not going to forget about what just happened with Parvati. We’re far from ruling her out, but Parv just won with the past vote and because of that, she and Dan have the instant advantage.

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Traitors — what else can you expect to see?

Who do you think is in the most danger entering The Traitors season 2 episode 5?

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