For All Mankind season 4 episode 8: Ed’s shocking move with Alex
We had a feeling entering For All Mankind season 4 episode 8 that we’d see something rather shocking. What we did not think is that we’d be seeing Alex getting roped in somehow into Ed’s crazy resistance strategy.
At this point, it is pretty clear that Joel Kinnaman’s character is a man of crazy ideas and strategies, with one of the craziest being the notion that he and Dev can work together to actually commandeer as asteroid. This is a way the two of them see towards a much more prosperous future, but there are some huge snags in all of it. We saw one of them potentially in the closing minutes of the episode.
Let’s get back to Alex here, as Ed asked him at one point to basically crawl into a tight space and commit theft. Seriously. He’s now made a child complicit in his plan while Kelly is off on a mission, and we have to wonder what’s going to happen when the kid starts to have some conversations about what he’s really up to. We are going to see some of those conversations, right? It feels like there’s a pretty good chance of that!
In general, we’re pretty worried about what the aftereffects of this plan from Ed and Dev are going to be. Sure, the two are highly ambitious and Dev is smart, but it feels like this is the sort of thing that could be leading towards some sort of shocking mass-casualty event that jeopardizes Happy Valley in general.
It may be hard to think about it, but we know that this is very much dark and you have to be prepared for that — it’s pretty darn possible to think about it any other way. The world of space is also very much new! We can’t forget about that.
Related – Be sure to get some more news entering the next For All Mankind episode now
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.