Magnum PI season 6 campaign: A Christmas Eve billboard?

Magnum PI season 5 part 2
Photo: NBC

We know that for a lot of people out there, a Christmas wish would be a Magnum PI season 6 announcement. After all, there have been so many campaigns for it! We’ve seen billboards, special trends on social media, and a whole lot more. We don’t think we have to tell anyone out there that we want nothing more than to see another chapter of the series, and we are just crossing our fingers and hoping that something more comes to fruition.

What we can at least tell you today is that even though it’s the holiday, the fandom isn’t stopping their push for more.

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If you head over to the link here, you can see that later today, another billboard is going to run in Times Square. This has been an ongoing tradition throughout the fall, and we certainly don’t see it slowing down between now and the two-hour finale on January 3.

How NBC promotes these episodes still remains super-strange. While they have already confirmed they are the “series finale” online, they haven’t really promoted it as such on-air. It does still feel like there’s still the tiniest bit of an out on this should they bring the show back; or, if another streaming service or broadcaster decide to pick it up.

Over the holidays, our suggestion is pretty simple: Recommend the show to your friends and family! The more that people are able to discover the show over time, the higher the chances that it continues to find a new life for itself. We do think there are so many people out there who would appreciate the vibes and the stories, and simply have not had a chance to check it out.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Magnum PI right now, including more on the season 5 finale

Are you still holding out hope for great news on a Magnum PI season 6 renewal?

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